Chamber of Handicrafts

Presentation of the craft room:

The Chamber of Handicrafts of Bordj Bou Arreridj is a public establishment of a commercial and industrial nature created by executive decree 09-323 of 11 October 2009 amending and supplementing executive decree 97-100 which defines the organization and the operation of traditional craft chambers.

The Chamber of Handicrafts is a body representing traditional activities and trades and the ideal partner for local communities in all areas concerned by the development of the traditional craft sector.

  • Keeping a register of traditional crafts and trades is the main task of the Chamber.
  • The Chamber organizes training and level improvement sections for the benefit of craftsmen through training such as: SIYB, long and short-term training in various trades (Hairdressing, installation of solar energy equipment, cakes traditional ….).
2- The structural objectives of the sector that the Chamber helps to achieve:
  • Involvement in the general effort to create a diversified national economy excluding hydrocarbons.
  • Contribution to integrated local development (economic and social integration).
  • Creation of activities ensuring their sustainability and promotion of employment.
  • Meet the needs of the population in goods and services.
  • Promotion of entrepreneurship.
  • Encourage sub-contracting and improve quality with the modernization of production and services.
  • Encourage the emergence of the domestic economy.
  • Promotion of exports (services and products), including traditional products.
3- Mechanisms to achieve sectoral objectives:
  • Training and level improvement
  • Sub-contracting.
  • Activate the role of the Chamber and professional associations as an effective mediator.
  • Direct the artisans of parallel work towards legal work.
  • Modernization of production.
  • Improve the design.
  • Control of raw materials.
  • Coordination between the different sectors of the state to achieve the objectives set
4- The axes of the medium-term program to upgrade the craft sector:
a- Training:
  • Training in service and production craftsmanship with local experts.
  • Recycling and in-depth training with the help of Algerian and foreign experts who contract with public and private companies located in the wilaya or neighboring wilay
  • In-depth training with accreditation by large companies (Sonelgaz, Algérie Télécom, mobile telephone operators, oil companies, etc.).
  • Contribution of the university to training, in particular to trades linked to the chemical, semi-pharmaceutical, petroleum and electronic materials industry (basic concepts).
  • Take advantage of foreign establishments located in the wilaya to contribute to retraining and in-depth training.
b- Creation of activities and assurance of their continuity and promotion of employment:

Economic support for project leaders through training in the creation of activities and then in business management according to internationally approved programs. And training at the level of vocational training institutes and universities at the end of the cycle to ensure the smooth transition from the world of training and education to the vocational field.

c- Promotion and marketing of artisanal and traditional products:
  • Exhibitions in supermarkets and places of attraction on various occasions.
  • Search for national and regional marketing opportunities.
  • Creation of real (craft houses) or virtual (website) spaces to manage training, promotion or marketing.
  • Encourage professional gatherings, especially specialized ones.
  • Promotion and connection between the craftsman and the client.