Our Tourist Circuits

Tourist route N°1: THE SPRINGS

The Route covers the southeast side of the province, which includes the municipality s of Bordj BouArreridj – El – Anasser- Belimour – Bordj- Ghedir – Taglait- Ghilassa.

The name of the Route is linked to the presence of numerous springs spread over the municipalities of the Route, especially in spring, its waters are known for their purity and freshness.

for more information please consult the following link: https://algeriatours.dz/en/circuit/the-sources-commune-id-1172–en



Tourist route N°2: EL KOLEA

The Route covers the northeast side of the province, which crosses the municipality s of Bordj Bou Arreridj – Hasnaoua – Ouled Dahman – Tassameurt – Bordj Zemoura. The region of Zemoura and Tassamertis a divine gift to our province. Visiting these two regions is a real pleasure for the eye and attracts hearts due to the presence of different types of tourism in the same region, religious, cultural, historical and even mountain tourism.

for more information please consult the following link: https://algeriatours.dz/en/circuit/el-kolea-commune-id-1172–en

Tourist route N°3: CHEIKH EL MOKRANI

The Route covers the north side of the province which crosses the municipality s: Bordj BouArreridj- Medjana – Teniat En Nasr-Colla- Djâafra – Tafreg -El Main.

The Route is named in homage to Cheikh El Mokrani leader of the 1871 insurrection whose starting point was this region.

In addition to the scheduled tourist sites, this route will give you the opportunity to enjoy water of the thermal springs of Hammam Ibainan

for more information please consult the following link: https://algeriatours.dz/en/circuit/cheikh-el–mokrani-commune-id-1172–en



Tourist route N°4: EL BIBAN

The Route covers the western side, which crosses the municipalities of: Bordj Bou Arreridj – El Achir- Mansoura – El M’hir – Theniat El-Nasr – Ouled Sidi Ibrahim.

The name of the Route is linked to the region of El Biban, also known as the Iron Gates.

The Route is rich in tourist sites that provide you with wonderful psychological comfort, and also gives you the opportunity to treat yourself to the thermal waters of Hammam El- Biban.

for more information please consult the following link:https://algeriatours.dz/en/circuit/el–biban-commune-id-1172–en



Tourist route N°5: LAGRADJ

This route covers the western slope, which passes through the municipalities of: Bou Arreridj-El Hamadia -El Ksour – Rabta. The region of Lagradj in the municipality of Rabta is considered the jewel of the province. With this Route, you will find the true meaning of virgin nature and you will feel the historical depth of the region.

for more information please consult the following link: https://algeriatours.dz/en/circuit/lagredj-commune-id-1172–en



Tourist route N°6: CHEIKH EL IBRAHIMI

The Route covers the east side of the province which includes the municipalities of: Bordj BouArreridj, Ain Tesra, Ras El ouadi and Ouled Ibrahim

It bears the name of the scholar El Bachir El – Ibrahimi, one of the founders of the Association of Algerian Muslim Scholars in 1931 due to the inclusion of the place of his birth among the visit points of the Route, after there will be visit of the forests of the municipality of Ras El Oued.

for more information please consult the following link: https://algeriatours.dz/en/circuit/cheikh-el-ibrahimi-commune-id-1172–en

Tourist route N°7: EL KSOUR

This road covers the southwest side, which passes through the municipalities of Bordj Bou Arreridj- El Achir-El-Ksour – El M’hir.

This road offers a unique combination. We start the route by visiting the village of El-Ksour, where we will discover its unique architectural style. Then it will be the turn of the city of El Achir, where some will be able to do shopping while others will be able to enjoy grilled meat, a great specialty of the city. And to finish the route, there is no better place than Hammam El- Biban to bathe in its hot springs.

for more information please consult the following link:https://algeriatours.dz/en/circuit/el-the-el-ksour-tourist-route–commune-id-1172–en