It is to provide all the services to satisfy the needs and desires of tourists, and it also includes some of the effects of tourism, such as: the creation of new employment opportunities and new income.
Tourism development includes all aspects related to the spatial patterns of tourism supply and demand, the geographical distribution of tourism products, the flow and movement of tourism, and the various effects of tourism.
Tourism development is the modernization and expansion of tourism services and their needs. Tourism development requires the intervention of tourism planning as a scientific method to achieve the highest possible rate of tourism growth at the lowest possible cost and in the shortest possible time. Therefore, tourism planning is one of the necessities of rational tourism development to compete in the international tourism market.
- Protect the environment and increase appreciation and interest in the natural resources and cultural heritage of societies.
- Meeting the basic needs of the human element and raising the standard of living.
- Achieve justice between members of the same generation and between different generations in terms of the right to benefit from environmental resources and revenues.
- Create new investment opportunities and thus create new job opportunities and diversify the economy.
- – Increase state revenue by imposing taxes on various tourist activities.
- Improve infrastructure and public services in host communities.
- Raise the level of leisure facilities and make them available to tourists and local residents.
- Educate tourists, workers and local communities on the environment and environmental issues.
- The participation of local communities in decision-making in tourism development and therefore in the creation of community tourism development.
- Encourage attention to the effects of tourism on the environment and the cultural system of tourist destinations.
- Create standards for environmental accounting and control of negative impacts on tourism.
- Efficient use of land and development of land spaces in proportion to the surrounding environment.
- Organization and framing of various tourist events.
- Rise in capacity of the barn of the hotel by accompanying certain projects in order to complete the completion and to support the capacity of the hotel.
- Encourage tourism investment with the help and support of investors so that tourism investment rises to the rank of industrial investment.
- Organize a promotional program to assess and review our state’s tourism qualifications.
- Accompany and supervise tourist agencies in order to contribute to domestic tourism and publicize the tourist qualities of our state.
- Establishment of a program of inspection and local works for hotels and agencies in order to improve tourist services.
- Promote tourism in our state to increase the number of Algerian and foreign tourists.
- Highlight the tourist products available in our state, the most important of which are: business tourism, historical and religious tourism.
- Cooperation and coordination between all actors in the tourism sector and exchange of national and foreign experiences.
- Conclude agreements with certain sectors at the local level to contribute to the enhancement of our tourism qualifications.
- Signing of an agreement with the Department of Vocational Training to train a skilled workforce in tourism and hospitality.